Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Insert | Insert SQL | DML Command

INSERT Command

Insert command used to add new record in to existing table.

Insert command is one types of DML command.

INSERT INTO command is one of DML command.

Insert INTO SQL Server statement can be write in two ways :

Syntax :

1) INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,column3,  . . .) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, . . . );

2) INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3,  . . .);
In  Insert INTO SQL Server Statement, there is three types of parameters

1) table_name - This parameter specifies the name of table.
2) column - This parameter specifies the name of column.
3) value - This parameter specifies the value of column.

Example :

// INSERT records in Customer01 table

1) INSERT INTO Customer01 (C_ID,C_Name,C_City,C_State) VALUES (101,'Shital','Ahmedabad','Gujarat');

// INSERT records in Customer01 table

2) INSERT INTO Customer01 VALUES (101,'Shital','Ahmedabad','Gujarat');

Note : Insert Command in SQL can be used two ways

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In Easy Language

Insert command used to add new record in a table.

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