Wednesday, April 3, 2019

DML Commands | Data Manipulation Language | SQL Commands

Data Manipulation Language

In SQL, there are following types of DML commands. As below

These DML commands are used for data manipulation or add, modify and delete the content / data of a table.

These DML commands are not auto-committed. It means changes made by DML command are not permanent to database, it can be rolled back.

INSERT Command

Insert command used to add new record to the table.

Insert statement can be write in two ways. As below

Syntax :

1) INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, column4, . . . ) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,value4, . . .);

2) INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3,value4, . . . );

There is three types of parameters :

1) table_name - parameter specifies the name of table.
2) column - parameter specifies the name of column.
3) value - parameter specifies the value of column.

Example :

//INSERT records in Customer01 table

INSERT INTO Customer01 (Cust_Id, Customer_Name, Select_Item,C_City) VALUES (101, 'Dalsaniya Rajal', ' Pursh' , 'Surendranagar' );

//INSERT records in Customer01 table

INSERT INTO Customer01 VALUES (101, 'Dalsaniya Rajal', ' Pursh' , 'Surendranagar' );

UPDATE Command

Update command used to modify records in an existing table.
Update command used to update or modify particular rows.

Syntax :

UPDATE table_name SET column_name1 = value, column_name2 = value WHERE condition ;

There are four types of parameters :

1) table_name - parameter specifies the name of table
2) column_name - parameter specifies the name of column.
3) value - parameter specifies the value, which we want to set.
4) condition - parameter specifies to select the rows for which the values of columns needs to be updated.

Example :

// UPDATE Customer01 table

UPDATE Customer01 SET C_City = 'Surendranagar' , C_State = 'Gujarat' WHERE C_Name = 'Rajal' ;

DELETE Command

Delete command used to delete particular record in existing table.

Syntax :

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition ;

There are types of parameters :

1) table_name - parameter specifies name of table.
2) condition - parameter specifies to select the rows for which the values of columns needs to be updated.

Example :

// DELETE record from Customer01 table

DELETE FROM Customer01 WHERE C_City = 'Ahmedabad' ;

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In Easy Language

INSERT - This command used to add new record in existing table.
UPDATE - This command used to update or modify record in existing table.
DELETE - This command used to delete record of an existing table.

Recommended :

INSERT Command
UPDATE Command
DELETE Command

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