Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Update | Update SQL | SQL Update | DML Command

UPDATE Command

SQL Update command used to modify records in an existing table.

UPDATE SQL command is on of types DML command.

Syntax :

UPDATE table_name SET column_name = values WHERE condition ;
Update command in SQL, there are four types of parameters :

1) table_name - This parameter specifies the name of table.
2) column_name - This parameter specifies the name of column.
3) value - This parameter specifies the value of column.
4) condition - This parameter specifies to select the rows for which the values of columns needs to be updated.

Example :

// UPDATE C_State from Customer01 table

UPDATE Customer01 SET C_State = 'M.P.'  WHERE C_Id = 104;

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In Easy Language

Update command used to modify records of an existing table.

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