Saturday, April 6, 2019

REVOKE | Revoke Commands In SQL | DCL Command

REVOKE Command

Revoke command used to removes user access rights or privileges to the database objects.

Syntax :

REVOKE privilege_list ON object_name
FROM {user_name | PUBLIC | role_name};
Revoke command has four types of parameters:

1) privilege_list - This parameter specifies the types of privilege.
2) object_name - This parameter specifies the name of the database object like table, view etc.
3) user_name - This parameter specifies the name of the user.
4) role_name - This parameter specifies set of privileges grouped together.


PUBLIC - Used to revoke rights to all user.

Example :

REVOKE SELECT ON Customer01 FROM user1;

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In Easy Language :

Revoke command used to remove user access privileges.

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