Create | DDL Commands in Create DDL Commands published on March 29, 2019 leave a reply CREATE Command Create command used to create new table in a database. Syntax : CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, column4 datatype, . . .) In CREATE command, there is two types of parameters : 1) Column - parameter specify the name of the column. 2) Datatype - parameters specify the type of data of column. Example : // CREATE Customer01 table CREATE TABLE Customer01 (Cust_Id int,Last_Name varchar(255), First_Name varchar(255),Address varchar(255),City varchar(255)); Above, example creates a table called "Customer01" that contains five columns: Cust_Id, Last_Name, First_Name, Address, and City. The Cust_Id column is of type int and will hold an integer. The Last_Name, First_Name, Address, and City columns are of type varchar and will hold characters, and the maximum length for these fields is 0-255 characters. Create New Table Using Another Existing (Old) Table We can create a copy of an existing table using CREATE command. The new table gets the same column definitions. We can use all columns or specific selected columns. If we create a new table using an old existing table, the new table will be filled with the existing values from old table. Syntax : CREATE TABLE new_table_name AS SELECT [* from] column1, column2, column3,... from existing_table_name [where]; In above syntax WHERE clause is optional. Examples : 1) CREATE TABLE Customer_Details AS SELECT Customer_Id,City FROM Customer01; 2) CREATE TABLE Customer_Details AS SELECT * FROM Customer01; 3) CREATE TABLE Customer_Details AS SELECT * FROM Customer01, Salary; 4) CREATE TABLE Customer_Details AS SELECT * FROM Customer01, Salary WHERE Customer_name="Raj" AND Salary_Month="June"; In above examples, We can select particular column. We can use also * FROM to copy all table columns. We can also select multiple tables. In third and fourth example i am using two different tables Customer01 and Salary. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In Easy Language (Simplify) CREATE command used to create new table from existing database. Using with CREATE command also we can create database. Tweet Share Share Share Previous Post Next Post post written by: Anonymous